
VitaGlide in the News!

Living the Glide Life

May Is Stroke Awareness Month

Every 40 seconds someone in the US has a stroke.  And every 3 ½ minutes, someone dies of a stroke.  While we hear a great deal about deaths from cancer, heart disease, COVID, and other [...]

ADA Compliance in Gyms and Fitness Centers

Fitness centers are very important to individuals with disabilities who seek to exercise and maintain their functional muscle groups. This is critical to good physical, as well as mental health, for disabled individuals. For those [...]

Achieving Optimal Fitness for Wheelchair Users

Sitting is the new smoking is a popular phrase these days to address the effects of inactivity. Sitting, in and of itself, is becoming a risk factor for other comorbidities such as obesity which can [...]

Combatting the Health Effects of Extended Sitting

Recent research has shown that sitting for extended periods of time can lead to several health concerns. Inactivity and limited movement can be risk factors for diseases such as obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, [...]

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10 months ago

Looking to add to your home gym? Or finally get started on that workout regimen? Now's the time -- for a limited period, get your own VitaGlide and save 10%! BTW, that savings could cover most of your shipping. Call Marcy at 305-514-0514 for more information. ... See MoreSee Less

Looking to add to your home gym?  Or finally get started on that workout regimen?  Nows the time -- for a limited period, get your own VitaGlide and save 10%!  BTW, that savings could cover most of your shipping.  Call Marcy at 305-514-0514 for more information.
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Achieve Your Fitness Goals

The VitaGlide® is an exercise machine for strengthening your upper body, reinforcing the shoulder muscles, and developing core muscles